08-Oct-2024 |
Holdings in Company |
04-Oct-2024 |
Holdings in Company |
18-Sep-2024 |
Result of Annual General Meeting and Board Changes |
18-Sep-2024 |
Board Changes and Trading Update |
07-Aug-2024 |
Holdings in Company |
26-Jul-2024 |
Acquisition of Link Maker Systems Ltd |
24-Jul-2024 |
Final Results FY24 |
30-May-2024 |
Acquisition of Bethebrand Experience Ltd |
03-May-2024 |
Holding(s) in Company |
30-Apr-2024 |
Pre-close Statement and Trading Update |
02-Apr-2024 |
Sale of printing.com domain and update re. WML |
20-Mar-2024 |
Holding(s) in Company |
19-Mar-2024 |
Holding(s) in Company |
18-Mar-2024 |
Holding(s) in Company |
21-Feb-2024 |
Acquisition of Arc Technology Limited |
29-Jan-2024 |
Holding(s) in Company |
22-Jan-2024 |
Director PDMR Shareholding |
02-Jan-2024 |
Director PDMR Shareholding |
22-Dec-2023 |
Grant of Options |
22-Dec-2023 |
Director PDMR Shareholding |
07-Dec-2023 |
Update re. the sale of Works Manchester Limited |
30-Nov-2023 |
Change of Registered Office |
27-Nov-2023 |
Half-year Report |
17-Oct-2023 |
Change of Company Name |
16-Oct-2023 |
Director PDMR Shareholding |
06-Oct-2023 |
Grant of Options |
29-Sep-2023 |
Holdings in Company and Total Voting Rights |
26-Sep-2023 |
Result of AGM and Change of Name and Website |
21-Sep-2023 |
Holding(s) in Company |
20-Sep-2023 |
Holding(s) in Company |
15-Sep-2023 |
Replacement Result of GM and Open Offer |
08-Sep-2023 |
Director PDMR Shareholding |
29-Aug-2023 |
Fundraise of up to £27.9 million and other matters |
26-Jul-2023 |
Final Results FY23 |
1-Jun-2023 |
Update – Sale of Works Manchester |
3-May-2023 |
Pre-close Statement and Trading Update |
3-Apr-2023 |
Holding(s) in Company |
17-Feb-2023 |
Acquisition of Topfloor Systems Limited |
20-Jan-2023 |
Bond Issue |
18-Jan-2023 |
Acquisition of Care Management Systems Limited |
28-Dec-2022 |
Holding(s) in Company |
13-Dec-2022 |
Replacement Bond Issue |
07-Dec-2022 |
Acquisition of Watermark Technologies Limited |
24-Nov-2022 |
Half-year Report |
31-Oct-2022 |
Board Appointment |
07-Oct-2022 |
Holding(s) in Company |
06-Oct-2022 |
Holding(s) in Company |
27-Sep-2022 |
Bond Issue |
22-Sep-2022 |
Acquisition of Vertical Plus Limited |
14-Sep-2022 |
Result of AGM |
27-Jul-2022 |
Replacement Final Results |
19-May-2022 |
Sale of Subsidiary and Board Changes |
04-May-2022 |
PDMR Shareholding |
06-Apr-2022 |
Pre-close Trading and Strategy Update |
22-Nov-2021 |
Half-year Report |
15-Sept-2021 |
Result of AGM |
15-Sept-2021 |
AGM Trading Statement |
28-Jul-2021 |
Final Results |
16-Apr-2021 |
Pre-close Trading and Strategy Update |
03-Mar-2021 |
Block Admission Review & Block Cancellation |
08-Jan-2021 |
Statement re Share Price Movement |
31-Dec-2020 |
Total Voting Rights |
14-Dec-2020 |
Issue of Equity re Share Stake Scheme |
25-Nov-2020 |
Half-year Report |
22-Sept-2020 |
Result of AGM |
22-Sept-2020 |
AGM Trading Statement and Acquisition Update |
03-Sept-2020 |
Block listing Interim Review |
01-Sept-2020 |
Replacement Final Results |
24-Jul-2020 |
Replacement Bond Facility & Trading Update |
28-Apr-2020 |
PDMR Shareholding |
31-Mar-2020 |
Total Voting Rights |
25-Mar-2020 |
Trading Statement and Acquisition Strategy |
26-Feb-2020 |
Block Admission Application |
09-Jan-2020 |
Directorate Change |
27-Nov-2019 |
PDMR Shareholding |
27-Nov-2019 |
Half-year Report |
30-Sept-2019 |
Total Voting Rights |
25-Sept-2019 |
Result of AGM |
20-Sept-2019 |
Exercise of Options |
30-Aug-2019 |
Total Voting Rights |
28-Aug-2019 |
Final Results |
20-Aug-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
19-Aug-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company 2 |
19-Aug-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company 1 |
16-Aug-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
15-Aug-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
12-Aug-2019 |
Result of General Meeting |
24-Jul-2019 |
Issue of Equity and Notice of GM |
03-Jul-2019 |
Trading Update and AGM Notice |
02-Jul-2019 |
Update – Acquisition of Image Everything |
09-Apr-2019 |
PDMR Shareholding |
29-Mar-2019 |
Total Voting Rights |
28-Mar-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
28-Mar-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
28-Mar-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
28-Mar-2019 |
Holding(s) in Company |
26-Mar-2019 – RNS Reach |
Acquisition of Artichoke Design |
25-Mar-2019 |
Subscription to raise £1.1m and Director Dealing |
17-Jan-2019 |
Investment in Production Hub |
28-Nov-2018 |
Half-year Report |
26-Oct-2018 |
Notice of Interim Results |
26-Sep-2018 |
Update – Acquisition of Image Everything |
15-Aug-2018 |
Employee Share Scheme |
27-Jul-2018 |
Result of AGM |
27-Jul-2018 |
AGM Statement |
05-Jul-2018 – RNS Reach |
Acquisition of AG Signs |
26-Jun-2018 |
Board Changes |
11-Jun-2018 |
Final Results |
11-Jun-2018 |
AGM Invite |
31-May-2018 |
Total Voting Rights |
04-May-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
03-May-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
03-May-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
03-May-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
03-May-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
02-May-2018 |
Result of General Meeting and Total Voting Rights |
02-May-2018 |
Articles of Association |
27-Apr-2018 |
Grant of Extended Master Licence Agreement |
13-Apr-2018 |
PDMR Shareholding |
13-Apr-2018 |
Issue of Equity and Change of Adviser |
23-Mar-2018 |
Trading Statement |
05-Mar-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
22-Feb-2018 |
Holding(s) in Company |
20-Feb-2018 |
Transaction in Own Shares |
23-Jan-2018 |
Directorate Change |
23-Nov-2017 |
Director / PDMR Shareholding |
23-Nov-2017 |
Holdings in Company |
10-Nov-2017 |
Director / PDMR Shareholding |
08-Nov-2017 |
Director / PDMR Shareholding |
07-Nov-2017 |
Director / PDMR Shareholding |
06-Nov-2017 |
Half-year Report |
27-Oct-2017 |
Holdings in Company |
27-Oct-2017 |
Holdings in Company |
28-Jul-2017 |
Result of AGM |
28-Jul-2017 |
AGM Statement |
17-Jul-2017 |
Acquisition |
07-Jun-2017 |
Final Results |
16-May-2017 |
Trading Update Replacement |
10-Apr-2017 |
Trading Update |
24-Feb-2017 |
Employee Shares |
24-Feb-2017 |
PDMR Sharedealing |
21-Feb-2017 |
Trading Update |
16-Jan-2017 |
Acquisition |
08-Dec-2016 |
Holdings in Company |
16-Nov-2016 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
09-Nov-2016 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
08-Nov-2016 |
Half Yearly Report |
14-Oct-2016 |
Period End Trading Update and Notice of Results |
26-Aug-2016 |
Transaction in Own Shares |
15-Aug-2016 |
Directorate Change |
15-Aug-2016 |
Transaction in Own Shares |
05-Aug-2016 |
AGM Statement |
14-Jun-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
09-Jun-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
08-Jun-2016 |
Final Results |
03-May-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
19-Apr-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
07-Apr-2016 |
Trading Statement |
24-Mar-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
15-Mar-2016 |
Directorate Change |
29-Feb-2016 |
Transaction in Own Shares |
24-Feb-2016 |
Trading Update |
12-Feb-2016 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
12-Feb-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
21-Jan-2016 |
Holding(s) in Company |
02-Dec-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
27-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
24-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
23-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
19-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
18-Nov-2015 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
16-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
11-Nov-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
11-Nov-2015 |
Transaction in Own Shares and Total Voting Rights |
09-Nov-2015 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
09-Nov-2015 |
Half Yearly Report |
06-Oct-2015 |
Sale of Subsidiary, Board Changes and Trading |
04-Aug-2015 |
Holding(s) in Company |
17-Jul-2015 |
AGM Statement |
08-Jun-2015 |
Preliminary Results |
07-Apr-2015 |
Trading Update |
19-Feb-2015 |
Trading Update |
13-Nov-2014 |
Director Dealings |
10-Nov-2014 |
Half Yearly Report |
09-Oct-2014 |
Trading Statement |
18-Jul-2014 |
AGM Statement |
03-Jul-2014 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
01-Jul-2014 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
09-Jun-2014 |
Final Results |
07-Apr-2014 |
Trading Statement |
03-Feb-2014 |
Transaction in Own Shares |
16-Jan-2014 |
Trading Statement |
04-Nov-2013 |
Half Yearly Report |
08-Oct-2013 |
Post-Close Trading Statement |
28-Aug-2013 |
Holding(s) in Company |
14-Aug-2013 |
Holding(s) in Company |
24-Jul-2013 |
Change of name from Printing |
19-Jul-2013 |
Result of Annual General Meeting |
19-Jul-2013 |
AGM Statement |
09-Jul-2013 |
Notice of AGM and Posting of Annual Report and Accounts |
10-Jun-2013 |
Final Results |
04-Apr-2013 |
Pre Close Trading Statement |
20-Feb-2013 |
Trading Statement |
26-Nov-2012 |
Drrectorate Change |
12-Nov-2012 |
Half Yearly Report |
29-Oct-2012 |
Change of Name of Nominated Adviser and Broker |
09-Oct-2012 |
Post-Close Trading Statement |
05-Sep-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
29-Aug-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
10-Aug-2012 |
Resignation of Director |
09-Aug-2012 |
Capital Reduction |
20-Jul-2012 |
Result of AGM |
20-Jul-2012 |
AGM Statement |
26-Jun-2012 |
Notice of AGM and Capital Reduction |
25-Jun-2012 |
Appointment of Director |
15-Jun-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
06-Jun-2012 |
Final Results |
04-Apr-2012 |
Pre-Close Trading Statement |
07-Mar-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
21-Feb-2012 |
Trading Update |
14-Feb-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
01-Feb-2012 |
Change of Adviser |
05-Jan-2012 |
Holding(s) in Company |
21-Dec-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
05-Dec-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
30-Nov-2011 |
Total Voting Rights |
17-Nov-2011 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
07-Nov-2011 |
Half Yearly Report |
03-Nov-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
31-Oct-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
20-Oct-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
05-Oct-2011 |
Pre-Close Trading Statement |
24-Aug-2011 |
Holding(s) in Company |
22-Jul-2011 |
AGM Statement |